No matter what dialect you are learning, we can train and equip your Arabic language tutor
Shababeek’s nurturers speak the Levantine Dialect of Arabic. This has a broad reach around many countries in the Middle East. If that’s not the dialect you are learning, our resource library offers multiple audio recordings for use in sessions from several other dialects as well.
Arabic Tutor Training
However, if you find yourself needing to learn a dialect quite different from our own, outside of Jordan, we have yet another option for you. In our Arabic Tutor Training program, our management staff lends the same expertise they’ve used in training our staff over the years, to help someone you know locally help you learn Arabic. In fact, we’ve trained people all over the region from Egypt to Turkey.
These workshops, led by Arabic speakers, offer an overview of learning principles, instruction on activity steps, and practice on all the techniques we utilize in our program to help our clients rapidly become fluent.
No matter what dialect you are learning, we can help equip someone you know to aid you in your language development online from our offices in Amman, Jordan.
Don’t let borders stop you from having sessions that are rich with growth. Schedule some training for your tutor today.
Game Changer!
This training has been a game changer for my tutor and I. After each training workshop she is excited, encouraged and confident, which makes me feel the same way! The grammar in particular has been a HUGE help, and we’ve both loved implementing the tools from Shababeek.